It's the Dog Days of Summer, why not cool off indoors with the SHARE Virtual Experience 2021 this week (Aug. 9–13)? This selection of sessions highlights DevOps best practices, how to navigate and network within the mainframe industry, generate return on investment, train your workforce, boost system recover, modernize business critical applications with open-source languages, and more. Read on for a preview of 10 sessions to watch for; then, bring yourself inside with air conditioning and grab a cool drink.
1. Meet the Women of COBOL
Misty Decker, product marketing director at Micro Focus, and other panelists will share stories in this panel about how women leaders are modernizing COBOL applications and building the next generation of COBOL programmers. The speakers will also counter any misinformation about COBOL, and share what they see as the future of the programming language.
2. REST Without Stress – How to Secure Db2 for z/OS REST Services
In this session, Christoph Theisen, senior solutions advisor at Rocket Software, will clear up any confusion about what steps are needed to configure z/OS components as well as Db2 clients for AT-TLS encrypted connections. Thiesen will provide information on configurations in z/OS with RACF, TCP/IP, and Db2, as well as on the client side (with Java and non-Java applications) to achieve this goal. He will focus on securing Db2 REST services and accessing them from Java and non-Java applications through AT-TLS.
3. System Recovery Boost: Hitting the Turbo Button on z/OS
Enterprise Performance Strategies Inc. CIO Scott Chapman's session will explore the practical implications of System Recovery Boost, which was introduced in z15. SRB can help certain installations, shut down, start up, and recovery faster, and will demonstrate how different SRB factors also can influence performance and system measurement.
4. Utilize Open-source Languages to Modernize Business-Critical Applications on z/OS
This session will showcase how IBM's latest compiler offerings on z/OS, including open-source languages — Node.js, Python, and Go — can help modernize existing business-critical applications by leveraging the trusted z/OS environment to ensure performance, security, and resiliency of core business applications. Speakers will explore how contemporary open-source languages can create additional value, develop new applications to introduce elevated digital experiences, and reduce operating costs.
5. Enable ROI Within 1 Year of Adopting IMS DevOps Best Practices
In this session, Duane Wente, advisory software consultant at BMC Software, will talk about how to modernize your mainframe practices to make it as adaptive as any other platform. He will explore how to enable Information Management System modernization through rapid and accurate changes to IMS database definitions, IMS system components, and IMS applications to move your organization to DevOps practices. Wente also will tackle programming challenges when implementing DevOps on the mainframe.
6. DevOps and Now GitOps – How Does It Really Apply to Infrastructure Including z/OS?
IBM Distinguished Engineer Rosalind Radcliffe will explore DevOps, GitOps, Infrastructure as Code, and Config as Code and how those new concepts apply to z/OS. She will highlight processes and culture, as well as ways of working in the z/OS environment.
7. How to Socialize Like a Mainframer
In this session, Reg Harbeck, chief strategist at Mainframe Analytics Ltd., will highlight mainframe culture, the SHARE's networking, history, and funny traditions, as well as other facets of the mainframe culture in the workplace and beyond. He'll open the floor for discussion about how to build on that culture as the next generation enters workplace.
8. Knock, Knock. Who's There? User Authentication on z/OS is No Joke!
IBM z/OS Security Specialist Ross Cooper examines how z/OS applications know a user is who they claim to be. He will outline how user authentication, which has evolved over several decades, works on z/OS.
9. What's New in COBOL V6.3 Since GA: Continuous Delivery Items!
Join IBM's Captain COBOL Tom Ross for his session on the new features of COBOL V6.3, especially as continuous delivery enables new features to be added between release dates.
10. Ask an Expert: Mainframe Workforce Training for the New Mainframe Workplace
This session brings together some of the most passionate advocates of mainframe training, including Interskill Training Chief Operating Officer Darren Surch of Interskill Learning and Dr. Cameron Seay, adjunct professor of East Carolina University. Speakers will touch on workforce training, attracting and educating the z Next Generation at university, the multitude of education and training options available, as well as credentialing from IBM Digital Badges and SHARE badges to developing a culture of lifelong learning and a mainframer retention and engagement.
Register for SHARE Virtual Experience 2021 here. If you have a favorite session from SHARE Virtual Experience 2021, or if you’d like to contribute or be quoted in a future story, email the SHARE editors at