It has been almost exactly a year since my last update on the Technology Stack. And, I am here to tell you the refreshed website is complete and was officially released to the world on April 15, 2021.
When you first arrive at the new website, you’ll find easy and intuitive navigation plus more information at your fingertips from the home page. Any fumbling around you may have done before will (hopefully) come to an end, and — for members — you will no longer need two user IDs/passwords between the website and our events.
If you’ve have not done so yet, click here to take a few minutes and explore the new

This project was only able to be completed with the help of multiple teams of volunteers and the SHARE staff, who worked hard to make sure that the transition to the new software went a smoothly as possible.
A special thanks to RFE Task Force members Julie Bergh, Kevin Evans (IBM), Dan Gateno (IBM), Ivan Gelb (Gelb Information Systems), Ed Petka (FiServ), Mike Shorkend (Michael Shorkend), and Cheryl Watson (Watson Walker). This team had to work with our new vendor and IBM to create the custom interface needed to move the requirements you enter, discuss, and vote on within the SHARE community into the IBM RFE system. The process took many meetings and lots of time to test and validate that the new system was working. We could not have completed the project without them.
I would also like to thank those who were on the Community Task Force: Carla Flores (Broadcom), Dan Martin (Rocket Software), John Mertic (Linux Foundation), Rebecca Parchman (BMC Software), Glenn Schneck (independent contractor), and Phil Smith III (MicroFocus International). This team had to look at many solutions in order to select the best platform for our new community forums, taking into consideration not only the flexibility but the security that was available within the platforms to keep our Member delegates’ information safe. They did a great job and I believe you will find the SHARE Communities incredibly useful in helping to elevate virtual peer-to-peer networking within SHARE. The forums will also bring about new volunteer opportunities, which we hope to share soon.
We also had a great leadership team among staff, including Andrea Zobens, Meredith Halperin, and Scott Beitzel, all of whom had to keep track of a multitude of items across teams in order to make sure we didn’t lose track of the requirement that were defined by the initial task force. A heroic effort provided the ability to complete the project on time!
Please congratulate and thank all those who took part in this project when you have a chance, and enjoy the new face of SHARE. If you have any feedback, do not hesitate to email the team at